Dataspeed NavRoute™ | Dataspeed

Dataspeed NavRoute™

Path Following Software

Dataspeed NavRoute™ is a comprehensive, full-stack path following system for autonomous vehicle research and development. It’s designed for easy control of the entire processing pipeline from inputting raw odometry data to performing longitudinal and lateral control. The system’s intuitive and user-friendly interface simplifies trajectory programming, enabling accurate vehicle tracking with ease.

System Requirements

Path Following System Diagram

Block diagram of Dataspeed NavRoute™ modules.

Route Editor

The route network editor is an offline tool for defining route
networks used by the runtime system with the following

Initial State of Route Editor Interface

Runtime User Interface

Path Record Mode

The path record mode of the runtime interface helps the user record ROS 2 bag files of manual driving that can be used for two purposes:

Example of automatically generating route nodes and segments from recorded data

Quick Route Mode

The quick route mode of the runtime interface provides an easy way to autonomously replay a recorded route. By simply loading a bag file containing raw position data recorded during a manual drive, the vehicle can follow that path without having to first create a full route network definition using the offline route network editor.

Route Network Mode

The route network mode of the runtime interface allows the user to load a pre-configured route network and issue commands to follow specific routes through the network.

Speed constraints settings section of the runtime UI

Vehicle Speed Constraints

The vehicle speed profile used to follow routes can be adjusted using kinematics constraint parameters consisting of maximum speed, lateral acceleration, longitudinal acceleration and deceleration, and longitudinal jerk. These parameters can be changed on the fly with the user interface or a ROS service call.

Subsystem status section of the runtime UI

Subsystem Statuses

The user interface provides a visual indication of the subsystem health to quickly verify the system is working properly before recording path data or executing autonomous path following.

Simulation Demo

To demonstrate the function of Dataspeed NavRoute™, an example simulation ROS 2 package is provided along with the main system binaries. This package helps the user get familiar with both the ROS software interfaces and the user interface. The package also contains example configuration and launch files that can be modified to adapt to a real vehicle.

Route network overlaid on real Mcity in Google Earth

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