Project Highlight: Lawrence Tech Victory | Dataspeed

The Search for a By-Wire System

In 2017, CJ Chung discovered Dataspeed while looking for a by-wire system for university research and for Oakland University’s IGVC Self-Drive competition. At this point in time, other universities had started to create their own by-wire systems, but they were not as reliable as he hoped they would be. This is what lead him to find Dataspeed for our well-functioning By-Wire Kit for self-driving vehicles. CJ is a Computer Science Professor at Lawrence Technological University (LTU) and the Founder of Robofest who has a passion for helping students find their own passion in robotics. CJ currently has two Polaris GEMs which are both integrated with By-Wire Kits from Dataspeed.

IGVC Competition

The primary use of the Polaris GEM was for the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) which is based on the latest technologies that impact industrial development. The selection of the Polaris GEM was based on the recommended rules from IGVC for being able to compete, and the LTU team agreed that it was the best platform to use. The Polaris was outfitted with sensors, software, and systems which would turn it into a self-driving vehicle.

The competition, which was held in June 2021, was based on the design, fabrication, and programming of a self-driving vehicle. During the competition, the vehicle would be required to maneuver a course while successfully avoiding obstacles and following stop signs. CJ was the faculty leader of the team that worked on the vehicle which includes LTU students: Thomas Brefeld, Justin Dombecki, James Golding, Joseph Schulte, and Joe DeRose. You can see the video of LTU’s self-driving vehicle compete in the IGVC competition here. The team took first place in the Self-Drive Challenge! LTU’s Polaris GEMs have also been involved in a Ground Vehicles Systems Center (GVSC) project.

Relationship with Dataspeed

CJ feels that Dataspeed has been incredibly responsive and interactive over the years. He has received professional support for various projects from Dataspeed engineers. We look forward to working with CJ in future projects to come!

The LTU team at Oakland University's Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) in June 2021.


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