The 27th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition | Dataspeed

What is IGVC?

Last week, robotics teams from universities around the world competed at the 27th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) which took place at Oakland University. IGVC challenges teams to build and operate autonomous robotic vehicles on an outdoor course with defined lanes, GPS waypoints and obstacles. This year, more than 45 teams participated in the event. Teams were comprised of undergraduate and graduate students and supervised by at least one faculty advisor.

Dataspeed's Involvement

Dataspeed was not only a Gold sponsor of IGVC, but several employees were enthusiastic to participate as judges in the competition. David Agnew, Dataspeed’s Vice President of Business Development, was a Spec 2 Judge. Whereas, Brian Neumeyer, Dataspeed Mechanical Engineer, served as a Design Judge for the Auto-Nav Challenge. A handful of Dataspeed employees also attended the competition over the weekend to show their support for the event, speak to potential recruits, and indulge in the hot dog cart that Dataspeed provided for everyone at the event on Sunday. 


The technologies developed at IGVC are those of rapidly progressing industries. The competition provides hands-on, cutting-edge engineering education for students, as it is one of the most advanced projects that they will be involved with. The event features robots designed and built by engineering students that perform tasks in a series of challenges including: Auto-Nav Challenge, Design Competition, Inter-Operability Profile (IOP) Challenge, Self-Drive Challenge, and Cyber Challenge, as stated in the Official Competition Details, Rules and Format. 

We are happy to have sponsored such a great event and show our support for the up and coming engineering talent.

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